Surrounded By Fur [3xtasy Lake 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3
Lars grinned but shook his head. “You’d break all my shiny things because you wouldn’t be able to resist playing with them.”
She lifted her hand from the metal logo that she was rubbing with her finger. I need somewhere to hide. A place no one would think to find her.
“River, I know that look.” Lars turned her and kissed her forehead. “Don’t get yourself into any trouble.”
“There isn’t anything I could do that you couldn’t save me from.”
He smiled down at her, but a soul-deep sadness flashed behind his eyes. “I wish that were true, but some things are beyond even my abilities, and if anyone could test them, you would.”
“Nah. You’re my own personal superhero, Lars,” she teased. When the vulnerability left his gaze she hoped she’d managed to chase away the sadness for a while. “I think you should dress up as Thor for Halloween this year.”
Lars rolled his eyes and gave her a quick hug. “Oh, please. That character is so overdramatized. And besides, I’ve no intention of attracting the attention of the Norse gods who might want to whammy my ass for poking fun at them.”
River laughed as she stuck one of his hammers into the air and lowered her voice as best she could. “‘By the power of Gray…’ Hey, why don’t you dress up as—”
“Don’t even say it, River!” Lars glared at her over his pointed finger. “Now, I was planning on barbecuing some fish for dinner tonight. You’re staying, and I’ll make up a bed for you on the couch.”
“Okay, but just for tonight, because that guy gave me the willies. I’m going home tomorrow.” She would stay here tonight and then tomorrow she’d see about looking for a new place to stay. There was no way she would bring that kind of trouble to Lars’s home. Not after everything he’d done for her. She could never repay him for that, and she knew he would lose his formidable temper if she ever suggested it.
The chime went off over the front door of the shop, and Lars plucked the shiny wrench from her fingers as he passed. “Don’t break anything while I’m gone.”
She rolled her eyes at him and stuck out her tongue, making him laugh. Geez, break one or two things in a man’s workroom and they never forget it.
“River!” Lars called out from the front. “Can you bring me the package on the counter for Hugh McNamera?”
River froze at that name, her fingers automatically going to her lips. Boyd McNamera had kissed her this afternoon. Her insides clenched at the memory. It’d been the most perfect kiss she’d ever experienced. He didn’t ask or try to sneak one. He’d pulled her against him and laid one on her that had her shaking in her boots an hour later. Now his brother was out there…and there are three of them? That caused all sorts of images to flood her brain. She’d seen the brothers here and there around town the past few months. Something about the way they looked at her made her want to hide behind them and let them keep her safe. Which was stupid, she’d been keeping herself safe for years. She picked up the package and ran her finger over Hugh’s name.
“Hey, didn’t you hear me?” Lars’s deep voice sounded behind her and she jumped, letting out an embarrassing squeak.
“Don’t do that, Lars.” She poked him in the chest with her finger and then handed him the package. “I was about to bring it out.”
“Okay.” Lars narrowed his eyes and gave her a strange look, like he knew she was avoiding the truth, but turned away. She followed him but stopped around the corner from where they were standing. “Here you go, Gavin. When I called Hugh earlier, I said I would’ve popped over later and dropped it off.”
“I had to come into town for something, so it was as easy to come by and pick it up for him.” She remained hidden where she was and listened to the gentle baritone of Gavin’s voice. It was low like his brother’s, but his held a cadence that fascinated her. Each of the brothers had a soft accent that sounded like they grew up out east. She eavesdropped on their conversation a bit longer. Gavin told Lars about how the lock on the back door of the brewery broke. Without a lock, there was always the threat of someone showing up and drinking their entire inventory. Gavin might be worried about someone indulging in a vat of beer, but River was thinking of something else.
Everyone knew of her fear of bears, and the strong variety of scents in a brewery would be a perfect cover. But was she brave enough to take advantage of this perfect situation? It would buy her a couple of days to plan out what to do.
Mentally yanking on her big girl panties, River took a deep breath and stepped around the corner. Gavin smiled at her as she moved beside Lars, and she had the same intense reaction as she’d had to Boyd earlier. Gavin might be taller than his brother, but Boyd was bulkier. Neither of them were close to their oldest brother Hugh’s size. Hugh was built like a linebacker and made his brothers look small in comparison. Neither Boyd nor Gavin would be considered small men.
“River, have you met Gavin McNamera?” Lars asked.
“Not formally.” Gavin stepped closer to River and wrapped his fingers around her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Gavin.” She’d managed to get past the lump lodged in her throat. She couldn’t do anything but watch as Gavin lifted her hand and pressed his lips against her fingertips.
“The pleasure is all mine, River.”
River’s thoughts scrambled as soon as her fingers touched his skin. For such a big man, his lips were like satin, and she wanted to find out if he kissed as well as his brother. Gavin stepped closer but her fight-or-flight instincts stayed quiet, and before she consciously thought to move he wrapped his arms around her waist. His large hand lay gently at her lower back. “Come to dinner at the brewery tonight, River.”
“Um, Lars invited me for dinner.” She looked around, and not surprisingly Lars was nowhere to be seen.
Gavin turned and looked around and then moved slightly to take in the entire room. “Damn, I thought Hugh could move silently. Lars makes my brother sound like a bull in a china shop.”
River took his distracted attention as an opportunity to step back, even though the voice in her head urged her to snuggle close to him. She could see a bit of dark hair peeking above where his top couple buttons were undone. Her fingers tingled at the need to see if it would feel crisp or soft against her touch.
“Thank you for the invitation.”
Of all the times in her life to meet someone like the McNamera brothers, but she couldn’t risk putting any of them in danger. She needed to call Stone and then decide what their next move would be. She didn’t like the idea of running, but she feared the thought that anyone would get hurt because of her past.
“Maybe another time then.” Gavin let go of her fingers and reached past her to pick up the package from the counter behind her. He had the longest lashes she’d ever seen on a man, and when he leaned forward her heart skipped a beat, thinking he was about to kiss her. Fast on the heels of that thought, she knew she would let him, too.
“I’ll see you soon, River.” He smiled at her and then stepped back. Her body followed him as he moved, and she snapped back to attention before she took a step in his direction. Disappointment rushed over her and she stuck her chin up and pressed her lips together. She didn’t need this right now. He and his brothers were bears, and that would be a recipe for disaster for her.
“It’s a small town. I’m sure we’ll bump into each other again.”
He smiled and turned away from her, muttering something quietly under his breath. She knew they were low enough to avoid even a shifter’s detection, but she’d heard him and her heart skipped a beat again. “Hopefully naked.” That’s what he’d said.
Part of her wondered what a man like him wanted with someone like her. Bears were notorious for sticking with their own species, especially if they shared, which is what she was beginning to suspect the McNamera brothers were interested in. Boyd’s sudden attention earlier today, then Gavin’s tonight, and if Hugh suddenly appeared in her path then she would know for certain. She’d been fas
cinated by their oldest brother ever since she saw him at the baby shower for Mai’s twins, Emily and Logan Solfalvi two weeks ago.
Vencel Solfalvi’s construction company had been the one that built the brewery, so it made sense that the McNameras would be invited to the party to celebrate the birth of their children. Mai, Vencel, and Gaspar’s twins were so sweet and had beautiful, strong heartbeats. She had listened very carefully when they were born to see if they were in any sort of danger, but between their screams and heartbeats she knew they were going to be as strong as their parents. But standing in the Solfalvis’ kitchen she’d looked out the window onto the deck and been struck by the beautiful sight before her. Hugh NcNamara was a big man even for a bear, and she’d never met a bear who didn’t frighten the hell out of her, but here was this massive guy with the natural ability to create such destruction and violence, and he’d been holding Emily Solfalvi in his arms like a delicate flower, making faces at her as she gripped the tip of his baby finger.
As soon as River had heard his voice, she’d excused herself and hid in the house. Seeing Vencel pass his newborn daughter to the big man frightened the hell out of River. She’d wanted to scream at Vencel for his stupidity and pull the baby away from Hugh, but fear had rooted her to the spot. Then Lavender McGuigan wrapped her wrinkled hand over River’s upper arm and asked River for a ride home. It was just as well because River had been shaking and needed to get out of there. Assured by Lavender that she’d told Mai that she was going to ask River for a ride home, River left with one of Ecstasy Lake’s oldest citizens.
In the car Lavender talked about yarn and asked River if she needed anything warm and cozy. River didn’t even remember what she’d been asked, but it was the memory of Hugh McNamera that stuck with her all these weeks. Until today she’d managed to avoid the brothers as best as she could, but she feared Fate had caught up with her in more ways than one.
River startled at Lars yelling her name. Spinning around, she punched her friend in the arm. “Fuck! You scared the shit out of me.”
Lars stood there with a large fish in either hand, looking at her like she was insane. “I called your name four times and you didn’t even blink. I thought you left, and here you are staring at the door. If you wanted to leave with Gavin, I would’ve understood.”
“Are you nuts? No way. Bears are trouble, like, worse than plundering-Viking trouble.”
“Hey, we pillaged, not plundered.” Lars mock-glared at her and held up the fresh fishes. “Are you going to help me with these?”
River blinked at the massive lake trout. “Did you catch them?”
“Yup, held my hands out over the water, and they jumped right in.” Lars rolled his eyes and headed out of the shop, into the back where his apartment was.
“Smart-ass.” River followed but glanced over her shoulder at the door one more time. Bears are dangerous. Something she was going to have to remind herself of a lot. But she needed to hide somewhere, and no one would expect her to hide behind them. If she planned this right, they might not even know she was hiding in their significant shadow.
Chapter Four
The hunter crouched low to the ground and watched the little girl in the field picking wildflowers. A beautiful child, who had the potential to grow into a heart-stoppingly beautiful woman. Too bad he couldn’t let that happen. He had a job to do here, and it wasn’t finished yet.
He’d started with the old man a couple weeks ago. It wasn’t hard to track the bitter wolf. He practically reeked of misery and self-loathing. Really, he did that shifter a favor by sending it to hell. The old miserable wolf had some fight in him because he didn’t die right away. But there wasn’t anything this town’s excuse for a vet could do to fix him. He’d hoped that the wolf’s death would send a message to Brittney, but she obviously didn’t get it.
The hunter wasn’t happy that he had to leave the safety of the compound and come to this backwoods hovel of evil and debauchery. From what he’d seen over the past few weeks, this might as well be a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.
His second attempt to shoot another of these beings had failed as well. Hunting a fallen Guardian would’ve been his coup de grace, but while he’d made the hit, it wasn’t a kill shot, and Aiden O’Reilly had survived. In this game there were no points for almost.
The little girl skipped along the wildflowers, and the wind brought her scent to him. Innocence and purity. She would make a fine example. He stretched out his fingers, feeling the burning pain from them being cramped up for so long. Yes, she would be the perfect target. He lowered his head and watched her through the scope. She paused as if she knew she was being hunted and looked around. Lovely instincts. Too bad he couldn’t allow her to discover her potential.
“Lulu!” A woman’s voice echoed over the grass, and the child started her skipping again.
“Yes, Mama.”
“Hurry, baby. We’re late again for your sister’s appointment.”
Three females to make an example out of? That was so perfect it had to be preordained. He was going to make them pay. He set his sights for the girl’s temple. This would be a sight her mother would never forget. For the three seconds he allowed her to live. He tightened his finger on the trigger and let the breath ease from his body.
“Come, little miss, your mother is waiting for us.” A gnarled old woman stepped in the way and ruined his shot. He was tempted to put one in the old lady’s head for pissing him off, but she wasn’t a shifter. He eased his finger off the trigger and cursed.
To make the situation worse, the breeze shifted, and he quickly backed away, knowing that he was the one about to be in danger. They wouldn’t know his scent, but the gun oil in his rifle would set them off. Sure enough, the child’s defensive growl echoed in the air beyond the trees. He ran quicker, knowing they would send someone to investigate. He’d have to beat a fast retreat, but he would be back. Some creatures were not meant to live, and it was up to him to purge the world of their foul nature.
* * * *
Hugh gripped the upper edge of the car window as Gordon raced home in his Jeep. Gordon was hollering obscenities at the voices on the phone as he tried to get back to his family. They’d been at the brewery when Gordon had gotten the emergency call about his family. Hugh wasn’t about to let the man face an emergency on his own and had jumped in the vehicle before he left. What he’d heard from the conversation, it sounded like a hunter had been in the forest around Gordon’s house. A frightening prospect but made worse because the hunter had hidden himself upwind. If the breeze hadn’t suddenly shifted, they never would’ve known he was there. That kind of situation didn’t strike him as coincidence, and by Gordon’s reaction, he’d come to the same conclusion.
“I have Hugh McNamera with me, Aiden.” Gordon made another wide turn and Hugh felt the vehicle lift up slightly before slamming back down. For a moment he wondered why he hadn’t shifted into a bear and charged through the forest instead of risking his life in a car.
The Jeep rocked to a stop in front of a large house, and Gordon leaped out of the vehicle and raced up the front stairs. The front door stood open and Hugh stopped to scent the air, looking for some evidence of the creature who’d threatened the family.
“I can’t pick up his scent, can you?” Gordon asked.
Hugh concentrated on the air around them but other than the slight hint of gun oil, he couldn’t pick up anything unusual. “No, sorry. Maybe if I knew his scent I’d have a better chance, but right now it’s hidden in the forest’s normal tapestry.”
“We’re upstairs, Gordon,” Helen’s clear voice rang out. Hugh followed Gordon, bounding up the stairs three at a time. They found the man’s family sitting in the middle of the floor in their bedroom. Lulu lay sleeping in Helen’s arms while Willow snuggled, curled up in the arms of Poppy McGuigan. The little old lady owned the yarn shop in town with her sisters, Lily and Lavender.
“Is everyone okay?” Gordon pulled
his wife up into his arms and held her and their daughter close. Hugh glanced down and saw one of his shotguns on the floor next to Miss Poppy and a hunting rifle next to where Helen had been sitting.
“Yes, I could’ve and would’ve if needed, Gordon.”
“I know you would’ve, sweetheart.” Helen grinned at Gordon and Hugh felt a painful ache deep in his chest. He wanted to have that one day. Have a woman who loved him so much that any time he could make her smile he would feel like the strongest man in the world. He already knew that woman had to be River Reynard, and he and his brothers were planning how to ensnare her.
“Ann is on her way home.” Gordon lifted the still-sleeping Lulu from his wife. “You better call her now, she’s frantic.”
“Oh, dear, I left my phone out in the field when Poppy told me that Lulu said she could smell the gun.” Gordon passed Helen his phone and she quickly dialed their wife’s cell.
While Helen reassured Ann that they were fine, Hugh knelt down and scooped Willow out of Poppy’s arms, and Gordon moved to help the older woman to her feet. “Are you all right, Miss McGuigan?”
“I’m fine, nothing but a bit of a fright, but it’s not the first time I’ve had the hell scared out of me.” She took Gordon’s offered hand and got to her feet.
He remembered being at the Solfalvis’ last week and holding their newborn daughter. Children were so helpless, he couldn’t understand how anyone could consider harming them. The baby snuffled in her sleep and rubbed her nose against his neck. He couldn’t wait for the day when he had a couple of cubs to care for. He’d had enough of waiting. He and his brothers needed to claim their Mate and focus on the most important part of their lives.
* * * *
Hugh paced the floor of his office waiting for Gavin to return from the bike shop. He couldn’t believe the luck when Lars called earlier and said the part for his bike was in. He hadn’t expected it to be in for at least another week. Hugh got the text from Boyd earlier crowing about how soft River’s lips were. Then on his way home, Gavin had texted him to say that he’d been introduced to River Reynard. Damn, it looked like both his younger brothers had beaten him to meeting the town’s veterinary assistant. He didn’t mind all that much. Both his brothers were impetuous and had been going on about the little fox for months. Hugh recognized that Miss Reynard tended to avoid them when she could. Even at Emily and Logan Solfalvi’s welcome celebration she disappeared shortly after he arrived.