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Stealing Hope [Midnighter Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

  “What about her?” A picture slid across the table and landed at his fingertips. It took everything for Wolfe to keep his features in the scowl he’d adopted since being brought into the room an hour before. A picture of a smiling Destiny looked up at him.

  “Who’s she?”

  “You really going to sit there and tell me you have no idea who she is?”

  Wolfe wasn’t a fan of interrogations. That sort of thing was best left in Blade’s hands, but he knew that any slip could get him and Falcon deeper in trouble. Rock and Jag were very careful to keep Destiny out of sight of the other workers when they brought her over to Earth. He’d thought it was far too dangerous, but he wasn’t the one to tell their Noonsa Atan “no.” He’d leave that difficult job to his Nohchils.

  He leaned back and shrugged one shoulder. “I have no idea who she is.”

  There was a rapid knock on the obvious two-way mirror behind the officer. Wolfe sat back in his seat with his feet planted on either side of the chair. Tipping it back on two legs, he tried to cross his arms over his chest, was frustrated when he couldn’t, and took a deep breath. He slowly let it out and tried to think of something other than the bindings rattling on his wrists.

  It’d been a very long time since he’d been imprisoned by anyone. He’d spent much of his younger years exploring and had taught himself how to fight. One bad move found him trapped on the wrong side of a war he had no business being involved in. After escaping, he’d come across Falcon by chance, both of them trapped in a foreign world, fighting for their survival. What were the odds that they’d find each other in the middle of all that? The two of them had made their way back to Lu’um and pledged their strength to the other warriors, or Midnighters as they thought of themselves now.

  Something’s going on. Falcon’s message vibrated on his inner arm. The law officers had frisked them looking for weapons but assumed that the band on his arm was decorative.

  Officer Froud opened the door and came back in. “You’re free to go and so is your friend. The only reason I’m letting you out is because Bobby Redfox’s vouching for you.” He unlocked the bindings and Wolfe refrained from rubbing his wrists. He wasn’t about to show them any weakness.

  As he walked out of the room he’d been held in, Wolfe saw Bobby leaning over Jim’s desk looking furious. Wolfe couldn’t make out the words being said, but Jim wouldn’t make eye contact with his friend. By the stiffness of his shoulders, Bobby hadn’t calmed down any when he stood up and looked over at them. “You have a serious problem, officer.”

  He and Wolfe nodded at each other as Bobby passed, and the younger man reached out to the bulletin board on the wall and ripped a sheet off it. “See this man?” He slapped the paper down on the counter in front of them. “He was on the bus Hope and I came in on and I told Jim about him and how I got a bad feeling about him. If Jim hadn’t been filling your head with bullshit just so he could get some petty revenge on these two, you would have caught the guy by now.”

  Officer Froud shot a nasty look to his nephew and lifted up the page. “Okay, so I’ll send out a notice. Do you know where he was headed?”

  “The bus was headed to Tucson. I saw him make an inappropriate physical advance on Hope. She’d clocked him good by the time I got out of my seat and he would have hit her back if I hadn’t stopped him.”

  Wolfe clenched his fists at his side. This might have been before he’d known Hope, but he could feel the blind fury building up inside him. Someone had threatened his Atan and he wanted to kill him. Falcon came up behind him and rested his hand on his shoulder, grounding him a bit more.

  “I’ll call down to the Hildago Sherriff’s department. The last thing I want to see is this scumbag getting across the border. Jimmy, I want you in my office right now.” He turned to Wolfe and Falcon. “You two go on home.”

  “No. I want to know where this guy is.” Wolfe kept his arms crossed and glared at the officer.

  “Listen here, this is a police matter.” Officer Froud puffed out his chest and waved a finger at Wolfe and Falcon. “You and your friend are cleared of any possible charges. Now go home and stay away from Hope Laroux. If I have any questions I’ll let you know. Bobby, you tell me everything that happened while we get in contact with the locals down there.”

  Falcon patted Wolfe on the shoulder. “Come on, man. Let’s go see if she went to the club.”

  “I’ll call if I hear anything, guys.”

  “Thanks, Bobby.” Wolfe shrugged off Falcon’s hand as if he was pissed and glared at Jim as they passed.

  Once outside they looked at each other and clasped their arms at the elbow. As soon as the markings on their arms lined up they brightened and Wolfe felt a burst of energy rush through his system. The night air filled his lungs, replacing the stale air from inside, making him feel much more balanced, and he could tell Falcon was in the same position.

  Eddie pulled up next to them in an old pickup truck and rolled down the window. “Come on, boys. I’ve been watching for you.”

  “Did you see Hope?” Wolfe asked as soon as he got in the vehicle. He slid over on the seat and Falcon got in, slamming the door behind him.

  “Yeah, Storm and Derechos have been watching her place. There’ve been a few Kimil sniffing around, but none have gotten too much closer for the time being.” Eddie pulled away from the curb and headed out of town. “Are we going to have any more problems with the cops?”

  “No, I don’t think so. We’ll disappear and so will Hope.”

  “You know I don’t think much of the police department in this town. I’ve known Officer Froud since he was a kid. He was a bully then and never changed. Now his nephew’s the same way. But he’s not going to let this rest. It might be in everyone’s best interest if he sees that Hope is safe.”

  “We’ll talk to her about it,” Falcon said. “But we can’t risk that now. Not until we know where all these Kimil are hiding. I’m concerned that the portal’s opening has drawn them here much as it has the Atans.”

  “At least the pepper spray works.” Eddie watched the road as he drove.

  “It works if you manage to get a shot in before they get to you, but they’re learning. One snuck up on Raven last night and went for the back of his neck.”

  Eddie looked wide-eyed at Falcon. “What happened?”

  “Storm has modified the arrows to carry small pockets of the poison. The bubbles burst as soon as the arrow strikes and another Kimil dissolves. Came in handy tonight, too.”

  “That boy sure is creative when it comes to his arrows. Bear and Puma are waiting for you at the club. They said they’re staying close to the portal tonight. With everyone going back and forth, Storm is concerned that it will attract more Kimil to the building. The sooner we finish and secure the entire thing the better off we’ll be.”

  Falcon couldn’t agree more. “Hope is coming over with us tonight. Blade and Thunder will be here tomorrow.” He used the band on his arm to convey the message to the Midnighters watching Hope’s home.

  “We’ll talk to Jag and Rock about bringing in another crew to finish this job as quickly as possible.” Wolfe opened the window and the warm night air flowed in. “The Kimil are growing more aggressive and we need to plan out security around the building as well as for the portal.”

  “I’m going to send a message to her uncle and make something up so he doesn’t worry when she’s gone, then I’m heading back to Lu’um myself.”

  “I’ll let them know you’re coming.” They’d posted guards on the Lu’um side of the portal to ward off any unexpected attacks from entering through there. No one was inclined to kill first and ask questions later, but it was better if they knew someone was about to cross.

  The drive to Hope’s wasn’t a long one, but it felt as though it took an eternity. Wolfe and Falcon were out of the vehicle before Eddie had brought it to a complete stop. Every light was on in Hope’s house and he could see her shadow slowly moving around. Falcon waved bye to Edd
ie but kept his attention focused on the surrounding area. Wolfe was doing the same thing as they approached the same house. She must have heard the truck because a curtain flicked back and then her shadow hobbled away.

  Hope whipped open the front door as they approached. “What is going on here tonight?” She looked disheveled and confused. Her hair was rumpled and she blinked at them as if she’d only just woken up. She was beautiful. He wanted to scoop her up and tuck her between him and Wolfe in the large pool in the temple. “And why are you here?”

  “What do you mean, Hope?” Wolfe marched right up to her and crowded her back into the house. Falcon followed behind, making certain that nothing was about to ambush them.

  “I thought something was trying to dig through my room earlier. There was all this strange eerie screeching out in the desert tonight. I woke up in the backseat of your truck when I’m sure I fell asleep on the sofa. All my stuff is packed into that bag and my laptop is in its case. I’m totally freaked out right now! Does that clarify my question for you?”

  Hope’s voice had risen as she snapped her barrage of questions at Wolfe. They’d essentially forced themselves into her house, but so far she hadn’t realized it.

  “Oh, my god. What happened to the two of you?” She wobbled on the leg that was supporting her weight as she looked over them both. Gripping the chair next to her helped, but she looked exhausted.

  Wolfe pulled her up against him and tucked his arm under her lower back, lifting her up off the floor. “You’re hurt.”

  “I hurt my knee, no biggie. You two look like you lost a fight with a bobcat.”

  “Feels like it, too.” Falcon’s arms ached and he was sure Wolfe’s did as well. He wanted to get home as quickly as possible. “Let’s get going.” He scooped up Hope’s bag and laptop.

  “Wait just a damn minute. Did you pack my stuff? When the hell did you do that?” She wriggled in Wolfe’s grasp and smacked his shoulder. “Put me down.”

  The delicate, gentle nature to her voice disappeared as her temper rose, making his cock jump in anticipation. The angry passion brewing in her tone fired his blood, making him want to sink his cock into her body. He was done playing. The stakes were too high. They needed to get their Atan to a safe place and claim her.

  “We’re taking you to a healer.”

  “It’s the middle of the night and there aren’t any clinics open. Cut the crap and tell me what you’re doing.”

  Wolfe adjusted his grip on her and wrapped an arm under her ass, lifting her up so their faces were almost level. Falcon watched as her legs moved to wrap around Wolfe’s hips, but then she straightened them again. Their Atan wasn’t going to make this easy and he was perfectly fine with that.

  “We’re taking you home, Hope.” Wolfe moved his face closer to Hope’s. “We’re going to see that your leg is healed and then we’re going to fuck that temper right out of you.”

  Hope opened her mouth to scream or swear. Falcon didn’t know which because Wolfe slammed his mouth against hers. He heard a muffed shriek and then Hope grabbed handfuls of Wolfe’s T-shirt and moaned. As long as Wolfe could keep her distracted, this might go easier than he’d hoped.

  Falcon rushed around turning off the lights and then opened the door. Pepper spray in hand, he checked for Kimil and then stepped out of the way for his warrior brother and their Atan. He had no idea how Wolfe managed to keep his bearings as they walked the short distance to the truck. Falcon opened the back door for him and Wolfe crawled in with Hope still clinging to him, stretching out along the backseat. Wolfe pressed himself between her legs and Falcon’s cock throbbed painfully at the sight.

  It only took a moment to toss Hope’s things into the back of the truck and then hop into the driver’s spot. He tapped out a quick message to Bear and Puma to let them know that they were leaving Hope’s and heading for the portal. Their acknowledgement vibrated against his arm as he adjusted the rearview mirror to watch what was happening in the backseat.

  * * * *

  Hope stared up into Wolfe’s fascinating ice-blue eyes. She’d never seen a man with eye color like his before. A part of her knew something was very wrong with this situation, but at the moment she didn’t care. The hunger she saw reflected in his gaze captivated her. No man had ever looked her like this before, not like he was going to eat her alive and love her for eternity. You’ve been reading too many romance novels, silly.

  “I don’t understand what is going on.” She hadn’t meant to say the words out loud. Wolfe’s tongue flicked against hers, encouraging her to come and play. It wasn’t like she hadn’t kissed a man before, but this was so much more. She tentatively rolled her hips and as she traced her tongue behind his front teeth, He moaned deeply in her mouth, grinding his pelvis against hers. She could feel the thickness of his cock against her pussy and wanted to feel a real cock inside of her. The vibrators she’d purchased online did the trick, but they were nothing compared to the length that pressed against her now.

  Her bad knee was trapped between Wolfe and the back of the seat, but it didn’t hurt at the moment. She braced her good leg against the floor and rolled her hips more aggressively. The pressure of his hard body against her pussy was delicious and she could almost get the right angle against her clit.

  “We’re going to end up in an accident if you two don’t tone it down a bit.”

  Falcon’s voice brought her back to reality with a jolt. What was it with these men that the moment they kissed her she lost all sense of decorum and started humping their bodies like a bitch in heat? She opened her eyes as she turned her head. Falcon was watching them through the rearview mirror. All she could see were his eyes, which looked black in the dim light and held a hunger that created a hot throb between her legs as moisture flooded her pussy. This was the same look that Wolfe had had when he’d looked up at her from between her legs. “What the hell am I doing?”

  A low growl brushed against the side of her neck. “I’m going to get you back for that, Falcon.” Wolfe’s tone sent a warning shiver down her spine.

  She looked up at Wolfe, who’d lifted his face from her neck. His lips looked a bit swollen and she wondered if hers looked the same. “You are an intoxicating distraction, Hope. But Falcon’s right. This is not the place.”

  “Not the place for what?” Her pleasure-drunk brain wasn’t processing information as quick as it normally would.

  He looked down at her and she felt like a deer caught in headlights. “The place to press my aching cock between your soft legs and bring us both to the point of screaming out our pleasure.”

  Her body responded to his words with another rush of moisture. She half expected to see a wet spot on her yoga pants when he moved. His voice alone made her shiver, but coupled with the intensity in his gaze she wondered if that alone could make her come.

  As quickly as her brain turned off, it flicked back into working speed, accessing the situation. She was humping a man in the back of a truck as his friend drove them somewhere. Cold dread filtered through her system. I’m so stupid. “Listen, why don’t you take me back to my place? I promise to go to a clinic in the morning and have my knee checked out.”

  “No.” She saw the muscles in Falcon’s jaw flex in the rearview mirror.

  Wolfe’s expression hardened as well and she tried to separate herself from him, backing up against the opposite door. He was a big man, so she didn’t have much space, but anything felt like a relief at the moment.

  “Hope, we’re not going to hurt you.” He reached out and she couldn’t help but flinch away. A quick look out the window warned her that Falcon was speeding down a deserted road in the middle of nowhere. Throwing herself out the door would most likely result in her breaking her neck or multiple bones. She was better off waiting and trying to fight for her freedom.

  “Take me home and I’ll believe you.”

  “All right.” Wolfe looked up at the review mirror and she wondered if Falcon had said anything. She couldn’t see h
is face from this angle.

  She narrowed her eyes at Wolfe. “Take me to my home.”

  “No.” He crossed his arms across his chest as if he dared her to argue. The gauze wrapped around his arms was stained with blood in dark patches and she wondered exactly what had happened.

  “This is kidnapping, you know. It’s a Federal offense. You could end up in jail, but if you take me back to my home I swear I won’t say anything.”

  “It’s not that easy, Hope, and I know you don’t believe us, but we’re doing this for your own good,” Falcon said from the driver’s seat. She looked at the back of his head, tempted to smack it as hard as she could. If only I had a frying pan.

  “You really do take me for an idiot, don’t you?”

  The truck lurched as he pulled off the road and headed down a dirt track toward the unfinished building. She braced herself back against the door and pulled her legs up between her and Wolfe.

  “Hope, you kick me and I’ll spank your ass red.” Wolfe’s icy eyes looked almost iridescent in the darkness. Must be an optical illusion.

  “You can try, but I swear you’ll pay for it.” Her heart hammered against her chest as she mustered as much bravado as she could in the situation. Wolfe moved slightly in his spot as if he was getting ready to spring at her. Distracted, she didn’t watch Falcon, and the door behind her was whipped open. She’d been leaning against it and fell backward before she could catch herself.

  “Oh, shit!”

  “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Falcon’s arm prevented her from falling too far even though she tried to fight it. He had her flipped over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Put me down!” She screamed and beat her fists against his lower back.