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  • Stealing Hope [Midnighter Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

Stealing Hope [Midnighter Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 14

  Chapter Nine

  “Some Atan she’s proving to be. Too selfish to share the energy with the other warriors, or perhaps they can’t keep their rods hard when dealing with such a fragile creature.”

  Wolfe and Falcon heard the loud slurs as they walked down the hallway to the warrior baths. Wolfe felt his temper starting to boil. “I’m getting sick of the Raxka and their attitudes.” The Raxka were bathing girls that offered themselves for pleasure for the warriors. They weren’t slaves nor were they ordered to submit to them. But many discovered it was an easier way to live because they were taken care of and they felt it gave them a certain status above everyone else. If they’d taken to gossiping about their Atans, that was going to come to an end.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be riding Wolfe’s thick cock again soon enough when he tires of her prudish ways.”

  Wolfe felt the anger spike in Falcon and laid a hand on his shoulder to calm him. They’d take care of this once and for all. No one would speak about their Atan in that manner.

  “That’s it, skank! I’ve had it.”

  Wolfe recognized that voice and started running down the hallway. A chorus of female screams echoed around him and threatened to render him deaf. Hope was only one woman while there were a number of Raxka in the baths at any given time.

  The two of them ran through the open doorway at the same time Steel and Blaze burst through the other entrance. The four of them stopped in shock.

  Hope was standing in the middle of the bath with her dress floating around her. A nasty scratch along one arm was the only damage he could see. She’d pulled back her fist and swung at the Raxka, who lifted her arms to block the strike. Instantly Hope drove at her midsection and connected with her shoulder. The Raxka made an unladylike grunt and disappeared under the water with Hope.

  His Atan was the first to pop up and pulled the Raxka up by the hair. “I’m not fragile, bitch. You come near either of my men and next time I’ll hold you under ’til you stop wiggling.”

  Silence descended and the two other Raxka who stood to the side in shock noticed the four warriors in the room first. They leapt from the water and left the fighting women to their fate. It was a well-known rule that this was a sanctuary for the warriors and it was never to be sullied by petty arguments. Steel was the last Midnighter any woman should act up in front of. Blaze’s temper was quicker to light than Hope’s, which could prove to be disastrous at the moment.

  Wolfe didn’t know what to say, standing there staring at his Atan who hadn’t noticed them yet. Her temper was in full bloom and he couldn’t blame her. He didn’t know exactly what happened, but he’d bet she’d been antagonized to the point of explosion.

  “She’s trying to kill me!” the Raxka cried out as soon as she looked over and saw them. “Save me!”

  Hope’s gaze followed and she let go of the Raxka’s hair and stepped back. Her dress clung to her like a second skin, outlining the graceful curve of her breasts. Her nipples poked out as if begging him for attention and his cock throbbed heavily.

  There was a bark of laughter that startled all of them and then hilarious laughter. Wolfe turned and watched as Falcon wrapped his arms around his stomach, laughing.

  “That is a treasure you’ve found there.” Blaze shook his head, his red hair shaking around his face. “Are you sure Steel and I can’t dance for you, Hope?”

  The Raxka gasped. “She tried to kill me and you call her a treasure!” Her voice rose as she shrieked her outrage.

  “You have been warned before about your behavior.” The Raxka might not understand the subtly of Steel’s behavior, but Wolfe and Falcon did. Steel was known for his hard, unbending personality, but at this moment the slight waver in his tone gave away how furious he felt.

  Blaze rested his forearm on his brother’s shoulder before speaking. “I distinctly remember the day you disrespected our Noonsa Nohchils with your behavior. Our Nohchils warned you then, but you have chosen not to heed his words. You are no longer welcome here.”

  “Steel, please.” The Raxka’s eyes filled with tears. “Don’t do it.”

  To order a Raxka from the baths, it took both warrior brothers to banish her, and she knew that pleading to Steel was her only chance at staying. “Get out.”

  “Oh!” The Raxka flailed her arms and slapped the water, creating a spray around her. Tears gone, she glared at the stoic warrior. “You unfeeling block.”

  “You bitch!” Hope snapped before storming through the water toward the other woman. Not waiting to be tackled again, the Raxka screeched and headed in the opposite direction, scrabbling out of the bath before Hope reached her and ran out of the room. Falcon wasn’t making a sound besides being curled over and shaking, while Blaze leaned against Steel, his laugher echoing in the room around them. Wolfe couldn’t help but grin as well at the theatrics. Hope was entrancing when she was this pissed. That she’d been about to attack the Raxka again over a slur against a Midnighter she’d never met before stamped her deeper in his heart

  Steel looked over at Wolfe and the corner of his lips curled slightly. “I like her.”

  It was the closest Wolfe had ever seen Steel come to a smile. “She’s amazing.”

  “What are you lot laughing at?” Anger tinged with embarrassment sparked in her gaze. “It’s not that funny, Falcon.”

  Wolfe ignored the gasps of air from his brother and whipped his shirt over his head. Hope’s eyes widened and glanced over at Steel and Blaze as Wolfe pulled his boots off with his pants. She shrieked and headed in the same direction as the Raxka when he took three steps and dove into the bath.

  As with most of the fixtures in the temple it only took a second for the bath to adapt to Wolfe’s dive, causing the bottom to drop out under Hope. Wolfe scooped her up as the momentum took him to the surface. He kicked his legs and kept them at the surface as he plundered her mouth. Feeling her anger melt away and her arousal grow, he helped her wrap herself around him, holding on as she kissed him with enough heat to boil the water around them.

  He couldn’t taste lolyich on her tongue, so this passion was all for him. Her body rode against his, and the fabric of her dress floated around her hips as he caressed her soft thighs and rounded ass. She fired his blood, maddening him with the desire to plunge deep into her. He took a deep breath and softened his kisses, playfully nipping at her lips.

  Hope’s pupils were wide and it took her a few minutes to catch her breath and realize they weren’t alone. She whipped her head to the side looking over at Falcon, Steel, and Blaze, who were all lounging along the edge of the bath. Falcon still wore a large grin on his face and mischief sparkled in his eyes. Steel was reclined in the water, his eyes closed as he relaxed.

  “Don’t stop on our account.” Blaze had both arms stretched out along either side of the edge, a lazy smile curling his lips.

  Hope stiffed in his embrace and he felt her tuck her face down against his chest. “I can’t believe I did that.” Whisper quiet, her words reached his ears only.

  Wolfe wasn’t certain if she meant kissing him so passionately in front of others or the fight beforehand. He went with the latter in hopes she would realize that kissing him like that was encouraged. Unwilling to let her go, he willed the bottom to form under his feet and slowly walked around the pool as they talked. “Falcon and I were furious when we heard how she spoke to you. The Raxka have their place in our lives, but they have no right to pass comment or judgment on anyone in our lives. We didn’t realize how bitter or elevated her own self-worth had become. That particular one will never be here again and the two who thought to escape our anger will answer for their behavior. Blaze and Steel heard what they said and they would have protected you even if Falcon and I hadn’t been here to hear.”

  “Would I have been expected to…”

  “Never, Atan.” He looked her straight in the eye when he said it. “They would respect that you are ours. It might not stop some good-natured teasing now and again, but they’ll
never go against your wishes.”

  Falcon met him as he rounded the far edge of the pool. Blaze and Steel remained where they were, softly talking to themselves. The twins, Raven and Shadow, had come in, as had Derechos and Storm. Wolfe’s body blocked Hope’s view of them for now. He desperately wanted to celebrate their union with the Cha’an, but the last thing he wanted was for her to feel rushed or forced.

  He turned Hope around so she faced his warrior brother. Falcon scooped her up and kissed her with the same passion Wolfe had a few minutes before. His hands held her thighs and he pulled her high on his chest so they were face-to-face. Hope gripped his hair in her hands and then stroked the length through her fingers.

  “I like it when you have it down,” Wolfe heard her say. He came up behind her and cupped her luscious ass, drawing a finger down the cleft. She shivered as he circled her tight bud. Pressing lightly against the opening, he teased her. Her moan rose and then stopped, a wave of anxiety vibrating in the air around her and then incredible sadness.

  “What is it, Hope?” Wolfe removed his hand when Falcon asked the question.

  “I want to, I really do, but I don’t know if I can. I’m scared,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly. The disappointment in herself burned like acid in the back of his throat. She turned her head and glimpsed at how many men had already come in the room and then quickly looked in the other direction, her anxiety vibrating the air around them. Wolfe watched Falcon’s hair float on the water around them, flowing up over her shoulder.

  “I have an idea.”

  Hope looked up at him, curiosity in her gaze. She didn’t look at the rest of the room, keeping her gaze on him. She didn’t start fighting for escape or begging him not to make her do anything. The trust she offered them humbled him.

  He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before diving away from them, and with long strokes underwater he made it to the other side in a matter of seconds. His heat beat rapidly with anticipation. This is going to work. He wished he’d thought of it sooner, it was such a simple solution. He reached for his clothes and separated a length of material from his shirt and another from the one Falcon had been wearing. Quickly he pressed the fabric together lengthwise and ran it through his hand. It was soft and would work out perfectly.

  Wolfe made eye contact with Steel and nodded. His stoic friend got out of the pool and moved to the communication panel on the wall. Wolfe knew Steel would let the rest of the warriors know of their request. Falcon smiled and nodded when he saw what Wolfe held in his hands and then bent his head to whisper something in Hope’s ear. She arched up into his touch and Falcon wrapped his arms around her waist.

  He came up behind her, feeling her jump a little bit at his touch. “Do you trust us, Hope?” He pitched his voice a little lower, and whispered against her ear. He’d noticed before that she always reacted to that. Her nipples tightened up again and small little bumps rose up along the backs of her arms.

  “Yes.” Her answer was quick and made his heart skip. Her willingness to try this even though she was terrified humbled him. Her anxiety was like a sharp razor against his senses and he wanted her as calm as possible, which meant making her forget where she was.

  “Close your eyes.” She did and he laid the material over her eyes, wrapping it around her head. Falcon held it in place in front of her as Wolfe tied it behind her head. He placed his fingers between her hair and the knot so it wouldn’t tangle and pull. That wasn’t the point of this. He wanted Hope to forget that they had an audience for now.

  He felt her anxiety spike at the loss of her sight and he and Falcon didn’t do anything but hold her until she calmed slightly. More of their Midnighter brothers slipped noiselessly into the bath. They were all aware of Hope’s nervousness. Not for the first time Wolfe wondered if they should have claimed her for the first time before the Cha’an. He and Falcon had discussed it, but it was an equally life-altering moment for Hope as it would be for them, making the Cha’an that much more important and special.

  “Do you know what I see when I look at you, Hope?” Falcon pressed a kiss against her collarbone. She speared her fingers through his hair and looked at him as if she could see him through the fabric. “I see the one woman in all the universe who was created for Wolfe and I. A woman brave enough to accept a new life in a new world she’d known nothing about.”

  “Your courage humbles us, Hope.” Wolfe manipulated the bath so a small shelf rose up between him and Falcon, high enough she could sit on it in comfort and they were able to touch her anywhere they wanted.

  “I don’t feel very brave right now.” Her words were whisper soft.

  “But you trust us to take care of you.” Falcon cupped her breasts, flicking each nipple with his tongue before wrapping his lips around them. Hope gasped and arched up into his touch. Wolfe’s hands traced a pattern along her skin, idly drawing the markings he and Falcon shared onto her skin with the water.

  “I haven’t known you long enough to trust you, or even to love you both as much as I do. I don’t get it. Love at first sight is a legend or fantasy.”

  “Some would say the same thing about Midnighters and you know the truth of that, don’t you?” He ran his hands down her arms, lightly grasping her wrists he lifted her hands and placed them back around his neck. This lifted her breasts higher and Falcon nipped at the tip of one of them.

  “Sometimes there are no explanations for what we feel or for what’s meant to be. It simply is.” Falcon straightened and pressed a light kiss against her lips. Wolfe watched as his warrior brother teased her before slanting his mouth over hers and increasing their passion.

  “Remember our time at the waterfall, Hope, the feel of the water around you, the sound of the ch’iichs in the air, the smell of flowers as we confessed our love for you? That is what I want you to think of.”

  “I remember we did more than that.” She smiled under the material, a seductive grin. Her arousal was quickly overtaking any residual anxiety she’d felt before. That was what he wanted her to feel.

  “We’re not going to stop this time, Hope. No more teasing. We’re going to make you ours forever.” Wolfe tilted her back and slanted his mouth over hers. He’d kissed her before, but this time he knew it was the beginning of their lives together. She would never be alone, sad, or unprotected again because he and Falcon would always be marked on her soul as well as her skin. Just as she would be a part of him until the day he closed his eyes to this life.

  She met his passionate kiss with her own. Her tongue dueled with his and she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer as she moaned beautifully into his mouth. Wolfe looked down her body and saw the top of Falcon’s head between her legs. Her heels rested on his shoulders and her hips twitched and rolled against his mouth.

  “Can you feel our passion, Hope?” Wolfe whispered against her mouth. “Do you know how much love we feel for you?” He slid his hands down and cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. “You are our Noonsa, our wife, our love.”

  * * * *

  Hope felt as though she was caught in a whirlwind of sensations. Hot, passionate licks against her pussy and the sound of Wolfe’s low voice whispering of their love before he continued with burning, erotic promises that made her body burn. One of them pushed a thick finger into her pussy and stroked deep inside her as he manipulated her clit. She shivered with need, wanting them so badly but not knowing how to get them where she wanted them. Not knowing which one of them was touching her added a new level of intimacy. There was a dark erotic edge of pleasure she hadn’t expected.

  “Please, I need.” She panted. “Please.”

  “What do you need?” Wolfe’s deep, seductive voice wrapped around her like a shadow. “Tell us.”

  “I want…I need to feel you. To feel you both…inside me.” She added that latter in case they didn’t quite understand, but thank god they did. Her world spun and she felt herself lifted up against a large, hard body
. The soft hair that created a line on his lower stomach tickled her pussy and was an incredible stimulant against her sensitive clit.

  Hope hooked her legs around his hips and rocked against his torso like a cat in heat as Wolfe whispered deep, rumbling words of encouragement. The tip of his cock kissed the entrance of her cunt. She rocked her hips, trying to capture him, but he held her still. She felt herself lifted from the water and her knees rested on a soft surface on either side of Wolfe’s hips.

  Two mouths, ratcheting her desire up even higher, worshiped her breasts. She rubbed her clit against Wolfe, trying to get him to take the final step, and it made her burn hotter. They were meant to be and she was sick of waiting for what she knew was right.

  The opaque scarf was lifted from her eyes and she blinked to clear them. Focusing on Wolfe’s icy blue eyes that burned with an intensity she could feel echo inside her soul. The broad head of his cock pushed against her cunt, stretching her farther than Falcon’s fingers had. Her breath caught in her throat as he retreated and then pressed into her again.

  He felt impossibly large and she almost begged him to stop when he lunged up, pulling her down on him at the same moment. The sharp pain burst through her senses, her throat seized, trapping both her breath and scream.

  She felt the calming strokes of her men along her arms and back as they soothed her. She flexed her thighs to move, but Wolfe’s hands gripped her hips. “Don’t move.” His words sounded strained and painful. She looked down into his face and he looked as if he was in agonizing pain. “Oh god, did I hurt you?”

  Wolfe groaned as Falcon chuckled in her ear. “No, I imagine your tight pussy has him fighting for control again. You have a habit of tearing any shred of control from our grip.”

  “Are you all right?” She saw the concern in Wolfe’s light-blue eyes and didn’t want to worry him.

  Hope took a quick inventory. Her desire had ebbed a bit, but the sharp pain had eased and now she felt fuller than she ever could have imagined. Wolfe’s cock filled her entirely and that quickly her desire ramped up again. “I’m more than good. Can you move?”