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Protect and Fur [3xtasy Lake 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8
Protect and Fur [3xtasy Lake 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 8
“Just you wait.” Helen shook her finger at Brenna. “One day, you’ll have children, and Ann will be the one calming you down.”
“Speaking of which,”—the moment Ann turned her gaze toward her, Brenna realized she was about to face an inquisition—“what’s going on with you, young lady?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Brenna hedged and looked around to see if there was a way to escape this conversation.
“I heard Officer Walker has been paying Brenna some special attention,” Helen said to Ann. “My source told me that he kissed her to give her smile back.”
“Oh, really?” Ann pretended to look surprised. “I heard she kicked a man named Aiden O’Reilly out of the clinic the other day swearing hell would freeze over before she ever fucked him again.”
“Oh, god.” Brenna could feel the heat rising up her neck. She buried her face in her hands. “I can’t talk to you two about this.”
“Why the hell not?” Helen asked.
“Because you’re my moms. There’s a law about this kind of torture. It’s in the Geneva convention, I’m sure.” Brenna grabbed a sausage roll and bit into it. If I have food in my mouth, they won’t make me talk.
Helen shrugged and reached out, linking her fingers with Ann’s. “Craig Walker is a very good-looking man, but there’s something about him. I can’t put my finger on it. Something’s wrong with him.”
“Dere ifn’t ahfin wrond wif im.” Brenna automatically defended him. He had his reasons to hold himself back from her. Neither she nor her wolf understood why he wouldn’t open up to her, and it hurt every time she thought about it.
“Brenna, don’t talk with your mouth full.”
She shot her mom a dirty look and took a sip of tea to wash the delicious mouthful down.
“What about this Aiden character? I haven’t heard much about him.” Helen lifted her cup and took a sip. “Maybe we should invite them both over for dinner and let Gordon talk to them.”
“Okay, I give! I’ll talk.”
“You would make a terrible spy, dear.” Ann patted her hand. “Your mother and I are worried about you. So is your dad, but you know he pretends that nothing bothers him.”
“I don’t know what the big deal is. It’s not like being interested in more than one Mate is so extraordinary around here.”
Helen’s cup hit the table with a clunk. “Mates? They’re your Mates?”
“This is wonderful, Brenna.” Ann reached over and grasped Helen’s hands. “We’re going to be grandmas again.”
Brenna knew her moms were upset her sister, Ava, had moved out east with her Mate. They’d made a few trips out there since the baby had been born, but it wasn’t that easy to see them whenever they wanted. Skype was a wonderful thing, but it wasn’t the same.
“It’s not wonderful.” Brenna poured herself another cup of tea. “It’s horrible. I don’t want a Mate and have to deal with all that overprotective bullshit. Regular sex is great and all, but I don’t want to be tied down or controlled.”
“Is that honestly how you see Mates, Brenna?” Ann looked stricken, and Helen had gone pale. “Why would you think that?”
“Being Mates doesn’t mean you automatically fall in love with each other. What you two have with Dad is so incredibly special. It’s one in a million. I don’t think it’s for me.”
“But why, honey?”
Brenna felt like a shit blurting her feelings out like that. While Ann and her dad were True Mates, Helen wasn’t. Luckily enough, they loved each other anyway and didn’t let that bother them. They were together because they wanted to be, not because they had to be.
But she knew Helen wished that she was their True Mate as well. “Mom, they don’t want me. Not in the way Ann and Dad wanted you.”
“What do you mean they don’t want you?” Helen was frowning, and Brenna heard a distinct growl emanating from Ann.
“No, you two are not allowed to get involved with this. I love you both dearly, but this is my decision. Aiden has no plans to stick around, and Craig won’t trust me enough to let me see his wolf. There’s no future here.”
“You’re right,” Ann replied. She looked as though she’d calmed, but Brenna could see the wolf behind her eyes. She wasn’t as calm as she was letting on. “These are some pretty big roadblocks to overcome. It would take a lot of work.”
“And they might not be worth it,” Helen added. She patted Brenna’s hand. “Why don’t you simply enjoy what you can for now? If you have your eyes open and your heart guarded, then there’s no reason why you have to worry about getting hurt.”
“She’s right. They’re beautiful men, and you’re young and single. Why not enjoy yourself?”
Catherine brought Willow back to the table, and Helen accepted their daughter while Ann finished her tea.
“You’ll have to wait a long while for more grandkids,” Brenna said.
Ann and Helen shared a look Brenna couldn’t decipher. “Of course, dear. There’s no rush for these things. ”
That’s not such a bad idea. Brenna sipped at her tea and thought about it. She was pretty sure that one of them was watching her at all times but didn’t come within scenting distance. Knowing they were there was driving her insane. She wanted to feel their skin under her hands. That damn dildo she kept in the bathroom was getting a workout, but no matter how many times she backed herself against the silicone phallus stuck to the wall of her shower, it wasn’t the same.
If they wanted to keep it casual, then so could she. No broken hearts or unreasonable expectations.
Chapter Eight
A low mournful howl echoed out over Ecstasy Lake. The wolf’s heartfelt cry echoed in the sounds of the loons resting on the black water, creating a symphony of sadness for everyone listening.
Brenna sat on the roof of her apartment and stared up at the crescent moon in the sky. It was the middle of the night and she wanted to be pissed off at the public display that damn wolf was putting on, but her heart echoed the cascading sadness that had driven her up there. From this vantage point, she could see anyone heading in her direction, but all she saw was the soft shadows the moon caused. It seemed as though the night itself was hiding from the pain. She’d been there for hours trying to piece together her feelings and what she wanted in life. After talking to her moms and the knitted gifts from the McGuigan sisters, she knew she needed to figure out what she wanted.
Her cell phone vibrated against the shingles next to her, and she answered it right away. “Craig?”
“No, Brenna, it’s not. What the hell is going on?”
“Hi, Dad. Nothing’s up, why?”
“Because it’s 3:30 in the morning and you’re sitting on your phone, obviously waiting for a call from one of those two stupid men.”
Brenna ran her hand though her hair, feeling her eyes burn with tears as the reality of the situation crashed over her. They had gotten what they wanted, and she’d made it very clear she didn’t want anything to do with them. “They’re not going to call.”
“Then for the love of all that’s holy, stop waiting for them to call. Go get that Mate of yours and shut him up. I have three females in this house in tears at his caterwauling. Willow isn’t even old enough to understand what’s going on and she’s fussing up a storm.”
“That could be any wolf, what makes you think that he’s mine?” She tried to argue but her only response was a growl over the phone line. “All right, I’ll stop arguing.” Every cry from that wolf vibrated in her soul, she knew exactly who it was.
Brenna heard a couple of sharp words in the background and then her dad turning over the phone to someone else. “Hi, honey. Which one of them is it, and tell me what you didn’t tell us this afternoon.”
There were some things a woman didn’t tell her moms about, but in this case… “It’s Aiden O’Reilly. He made some comment about his prior commitments to the Guardians and said he was leaving me. I might’ve acted like I wasn’t interested
in having him around. Honestly, I thought he left town and left me behind. I’ve no idea what he’s doing up there wailing like a cat in heat.”
“I disagree, honey, but your father is serious about taking care of your Mate.”
“He’s not…” Brenna couldn’t finish the sentence. Denying the truth didn’t taste good and made her feel physically ill. “I don’t want to be someone they pay attention to when it suits them and then leave me alone the rest of the time.”
“Isn’t that exactly what you said you wanted earlier today? You said that you didn’t want to be a Mate. That it was all bullshit and while the sex was mighty fine, you didn’t want to be tied down or controlled.”
“Mom, I think I really fucked up here.”
“Then you have to make it right, Brenna. Give up all that anger that you’ve been carrying around and be the brave girl we raised you to be. March up to your men and tell them the truth, all of it. Grasp what Fate has handed to you or walk away and allow the three of you to have a normal life.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Another mournful howl washed over her. For a man who didn’t seem to have an overly emotional bone in his body, Aiden sure managed to convey some serious heartache in his call.
“You do that, and do it soon, honey.”
“I love you both and Dad. I’ll fix this, I promise.”
Brenna hung up the phone and immediately dialed Craig’s number. It went straight to voice mail. She hung up and didn’t bother to leave a message. She shouldn’t say what she wanted to say over a voice mail, anyway.
She threw a leg over the edge of her roof line and felt for the window ledge below her. Another howl echoed on the night breeze. Owwooooo!
Crack! The sound of a gunshot cut off the wolf’s howl, and Brenna’s heart leapt up into her throat. “No!” Her scream ripped through the air as her foot slipped off the ledge.
* * * *
Aiden’s wolf didn’t understand the pain radiating in his leg, but the human part of him did. The acrid tang of blood colored the air around him as he quietly crawled along the forest floor. If the bullet had gone completely through his leg, he could’ve shifted into human form, but that would expose him to the hunter, and until he knew exactly where the bastard was he couldn’t take the risk. If the bullet was still imbedded in his leg, he would still be injured in human form because his leg would heal around the shell, which would require invasive medical intervention later on.
Once he knew he was completely safe he’d take a better look at the wound. Part of the tree next to him exploded into slivers, followed quickly by the sound of a rifle being discharged. The wolf leapt into a run. Lifting one leg, he ran on the other three as fast as he could. Staying put would only allow the hunter to correct his aim.
Thankfully, the gods were smiling down at him, because as he reached the road a large SUV roared up next to him. “Come on, you stubborn bastard.” Craig pushed open the passenger door. “Can you hop in on your own, or am I going to have to carry your mangy ass?”
Aiden growled at his friend and managed to hop onto the floor of the passenger seat.
“Don’t get any blood on the seats.”
Aiden snarled his displeasure at Craig, who laughed. “I’m kidding. You must be really hurt if your sense of humor is so damaged.”
Aiden gingerly moved onto the seat as Craig floored it and skidded along the gravel road. “I swear I’m going to change the rules around here. Night hunting? If that’s going to start, then I’m going to talk to Gordon about forming a permanent Guardian force and doing twenty-four-hour patrols. Any poachers are to be bitten on sight.”
The wolf nosed at his hind leg, and sure enough, there was only a wound on one side. He was going to have to wait until after the bullet came out before he could shift.
“Dude, you lick your balls on my leather seats and I’ll put you in the back.”
* * * *
Brenna scrabbled wildly against the siding before catching her feet on the window ledge. Falling from this distance wouldn’t have killed her, but it would’ve hurt like a bitch. At the moment all she cared about was finding out what happened to Aiden. She could hear the abbreviated howl echoing in her head. There was a second crack of gunfire shortly after the first, and she prayed the hunter had taken a second shot because he’d missed the first time.
She put in a quick call to her father, letting him know what she’d heard. Her mom said he’d called a couple of men and they’d already headed out into the forest. Brenna was to stay put in case anyone had been hurt. She quickly changed into a pair of scrubs and rushed downstairs to the clinic. Hopping on one foot, she laced up her sneakers as she flipped on lights and any machines she might need.
Her cell phone chirped, and a glance at the display told her who it was. “Craig, are you okay?” Her heart was beating so rapidly her hands shook. “I heard the shot.”
“I’m fine, Brenna. Aiden was hit.”
Dread washed over her. Another shooting. What if she couldn’t save him either? She’d be responsible for the death of her own Mate.
“Get him here now, Craig, hurry.” She looked around in a circle, trying to think of what she needed to have ready when he came in.
“Brenna, calm down.” Craig spoke very evenly in the phone. “It’s not a fatal wound. I can’t tell for sure because the big pussy won’t let me have a look at it.”
She heard the distinct sound of a wolf snarling in the background. “Where was he shot?”
“From what I can tell, he got it in the upper thigh. It must still be in there, because he hasn’t shifted.”
“He might not be able to.” Visions of Alec’s lifeless body on her table filled her memories. “If the femoral artery was hit, he could be bleeding out. Drive faster. What if I can’t help him? He could have internal injuries.” She rapidly pulled open drawers and loaded a tray with first aid supplies. This would be easier if she had River here. She wished she’d called her assistant earlier.
They kept the line open as she raced around, but Craig didn’t say anything as Brenna recited emergency room protocols out of habit.
“Bren, we’re here.” The call disconnected and she ran for the front door as Craig pulled into the parking lot. He slammed on the brakes and threw it into park in front of the clinic.
“Hold it open!” he yelled as he raced around the car. Craig reached in the passenger seat and scooped up the wolf. The animal hung limp in his arms as he rushed for the door, and Brenna feared the worst.
They rushed to the exam room, where he laid the animal down on the table. Brenna grabbed some gauze and tried to clean away some of the blood to see the wound. Her hand shook as she pressed against the wound. Aiden lifted his head and looked at her, his eyes glassed with pain. “Aiden, I’m going to numb the area.” She pulled a new syringe out of its packaging and reached for the small bottle lidocaine she’d tossed on the tray earlier. “I don’t think the bullet is deep, but the faster I get it out the sooner you can shift and heal the damage.”
Brenna’s hands shook so wildly she had a problem lining up the bottle and needle. I have to get my shit together. I can’t do a damn thing to help if I keep shaking like this. Craig wrapped his arms around her, laying his hands over hers. “Brenna, I know you can do this, and so does he.” He sounded so confident of her abilities. “Take a deep breath and relax into your training.”
The trembling in her hands stopped as a wave of calm washed over her. Craig believed in her, and when she glanced at Aiden, he nodded at her and then lay his head back down. She took a deep breath and eased the needle into the bottle. Pulling on the syringe, she extracted what she needed to make this procedure as painless as possible.
* * * *
Craig let go of Brenna’s hands and stepped back out of her way. He understood what was causing her to shake so badly. The last wolf with a bullet wound on her table hadn’t made it, and she hadn’t taken it well. He remembered that day and how badly she’d reacted to lo
sing a friend. The possibility of losing a Mate would be harder on her.
Now that she’d calmed down and fallen into the right frame of mind, she was a wonder to watch. She moved with such grace as she worked. Her brow wrinkled, and she squished up her nose slightly as she carefully numbed the area around the bullet wound. When she reached for a pair of what looked like needle-nose pliers, he turned away.
“Craig, how is Aiden doing?” she asked. The wolf opened up his eyes and met Craig’s gaze.
“He’s still ugly, but he’s breathing.” Aiden flattened his ears back and narrowed his eyes in a threatening manner.
“Got it.” There was a soft clang as the bullet hit the metal bowl. Brenna pressed a piece of gauze over the wound. “Aiden, can you shift?”
A moment later the wolf disappeared and Aiden lay on the table. Brenna looked like she was about to deflate, and Craig caught her as her knees buckled.
“You were incredible, Brenna,” Craig crooned into her ear. He scooped her up and backed up to a stool and sat down with her on his lap. Brenna curled into his body and he could feel his shirt grow wet from her silent tears.
“I fell apart,” she mumbled against his chest. “He needed me and I couldn’t function.”
“But you did great.” Aiden leapt off the table and got down on his knees on the opposite side of Brenna. “See? I’m good as new.”
“You were strong, Brenna.” Her tears shredded his heart, especially when he wasn’t certain how to make her stop. “We’re proud of you.”
She looked up at him and then at Aiden, disbelief in her features. They had fucked up badly if they put that look on her face. Craig wished they’d met her under different circumstances, but he knew damn well he and Aiden had their own baggage to contend with. Was it fair to dump it all on her as well?
“Then why don’t you want me?”
Her quiet words hit him like a train, and he didn’t know how to respond. He looked to Aiden because his friend had always been better at verbalizing what he was thinking.